Saturday, March 16, 2024


 This is coolbert:

Big shake-up the Russian navy? The new man takes command. How often have we heard this in the context of the Ukraine Conflict.

"shake-up noun: an act or instance of shaking up - specifically : an extensive and often drastic reorganization"

"Izvestia: Admiral Moiseev takes over as Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy"

"Russia's new Navy commander has decades of experience from the north, including onboard ballistic missile submarines sailing the Barents Sea."

From | By Thomas Nilsen | March 10, 2024.

"Rumors started in social media on Sunday that the top brass in the Russian Navy, Admiral Nikolai Evmenov had been dismissed."

"A few hours later, Kremlin mouthpiece Izvestia reported about Evmenov’s ‘resignation’ and Admiral Aleksandr Moiseev taking over the position."

"No official explanation is given. However, it is well-known that the Russian navy has lost many of its key warships in the Black Sea after drone attacks by Ukraine."

That perception [unwarranted or otherwise] that the performance of the Russian high military command during the Ukrainian Conflict has been at best ham-handed with a relatively speaking ineptness puzzling and surprising to many.

"ham-handed: adjective - Lacking dexterity or skill; clumsy."


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