Thursday, February 22, 2024


This is coolbert:

Murz gone! Russian MILBLOGGER a suicide.

Murz "a prominent pro-war Russian blogger" highlighting the enormous Russian casualties the siege of Avdiivka; the man a victim of misplaced outrage.

"Pro-war Russian blogger who revealed huge Avdiivka losses dies by suicide"

From Guardian UK ^ | 2/21/2024 | Pjotr Sauet | the tip from Freeper.

"Andrey Morozov, a prominent pro-war Russian blogger, has reportedly died by suicide following outrage over a post in which he claimed that the Russian army lost 16,000 soldiers during the capture of the eastern Ukrainian city of Avdiivka. Morozov, who went by the pseudonym Murz on Telegram, was an ultra-nationalist commentator who fought alongside Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine in 2014 and participated in Russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022. On Sunday, Morozov wrote to his 120,000 followers on Telegram that Russia lost 16,000 personnel and 300 pieces of armor during its months-long capture of Avdiivka"

Murz as other Russian MILBLOGGERS in favor of the Russian SMO but highly critical of the execution thereof. Murz correct in his assessment of the siege as a pyrrhic Russian victory. Gain too small for the expenditure in manpower and material. 

Being a MILBLOGGER Russian indeed a hazardous occupation. 

"Protruding nails will be hammered". Old Japanese proverb.


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