Friday, February 23, 2024


This is coolbert:

Devoted readers to the blog will instantaneously understand what this is all about!

"Putin 'on brink of new land grab' to defy West with possible announcement imminent on annexing breakaway Moldovan region Transnistria"

From Daily Mail ^ | 2/23/2024 | Will Stewart | the tip from Freeper.

"Putin is reportedly on the brink of a new land grab to defy the West by possibly announcing soon that Russia is taking control of a breakaway Moldovan region. There is speculation that unofficial state Transnistria is poised to make an appeal to Putin to join Russia. The landlocked strip along the Dniester River is wedged between Moldova and Ukraine. Putin already has a 'peacekeeping' force of up to 2,000 troops in the territory which Russia says overwhelmingly wishes to be incorporated by Moscow."

Hardly alone an appeal from the residents [predominantly Russian speaking] of Transnistria responsible for Russian aspirations in the area.

Think rather the Soviet/Russian arms depot Kolbasna. Largest arms depot in all of Europe. Enough equipment on-hand to equip a Soviet era Combined Arms Army. Weaponry of all sorts to provide an army of 50,000 troops soup to nuts bang-stuff! Vlad greatly covets and desires those armaments.

See previous blog entries the Kolbasna arms depot:


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