Monday, February 26, 2024


This is coolbert:

"ghoul: noun - one who shows morbid interest in things considered shocking or repulsive"

Unseemly behavior the Israeli citizen? 

"Ghoulish ‘war safaris’ force Israeli kibbutzim to close doors to visitors"

"Residents of communities attacked in Hamas atrocities of Oct 7 horrified as sightseers on organized tours take souvenirs from homes"

From | Melanie Swan | 25 February 2024 • 

"Kibbutzim in southern Israel have been forced to close their doors to visitors after busloads of souvenir-hunting tourists turned the sites of the Oct 7 attacks into a 'safari'."

"Hundreds of people now arrive daily for 'war tours' of the devastated communities to take selfies with the burnt-out homes and blood-stained walls left after the Hamas atrocities, in which 1,200 people died."

"Some tourists even enter abandoned homes without permission and steal 'souvenirs' such as spent bullet casings."

See prior blog entry the topic war tourism:


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