Monday, February 26, 2024


This is coolbert:

Citizens of India recruited as menial laborers the Ukrainian Conflict flimflammed and conned by the Russian!

"conned: adjective - relating to, or being the victim of, a swindle, scam, or trick"

"The Center acknowledged media reports that some Indians are entangled in Russia's ongoing war with Ukraine. MEA spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said, 'We are aware that a few Indian nationals have signed up for support jobs with the Russian army.' He added that the Indian Embassy is in touch with relevant Russian authorities for their early discharge. Meanwhile, family members of the trapped Indians alleged that they were conned by agents, and some were injured"

I would imagine these Indian recruits hired by the Russian expected to do coolie-type labor. Dig graves. Load and unload trucks. Police human remains and weapons from the battlefield. Remove debris and do reconstruction in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine.

Press-gang the Russian military. You sign a contract to do work as a non-combatant laborer but instead are found at some point being given a rifle and told to move forward on the battlefield. A situation that you did not expect if not totally and woefully prepared for much to your detriment.

See the previous blog entry Nepalese also contract workers the Ukraine Conflict and their plight:


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