Tuesday, January 16, 2024


This is coolbert.

"'For a nation for whom peace has been a pleasant companion for almost 210 years, the idea that it is an immovable constant is conveniently close at hand. But taking comfort in this conclusion has become more dangerous than it has been for a very long time,'" - Bohlin.

Yet again, sober and frightening, headlines alarmist in nature from the English tabloid Daily Mail. This Swedes are letting you know quite openly and frankly, we are preparing for World War III.

1. "Sweden is warned to 'brace for war': Civil Defense minister tells citizens to 'get moving' and prepare for the end of 210 years of peace as country bids to join NATO in face of Russia tensions"

From https://www.dailymail.co.uk | By DAVID AVERRE and PERKIN AMALARAJ |  10 January 2024.

"Minister urged Swedish citizens to ask themselves 'who are you if war comes?'"

"Comes as Zelensky said allies must 'finish' Putin to avoid destruction of Ukraine"

2. "Panicked Swedish youths flood helpline with calls after minister warned 'there could be war' and urged people to prepare for conflict in face of Russia tensions - as row breaks out over his 'alarming' speech"

"Minister urged Swedish citizens to ask themselves 'who are you if war comes?'"

 From https://www.dailymail.co.uk | By DAVID AVERRE | 11 January 2024.

"Sweden's mental health helplines have been flooded with calls from youths scared by the prospect of war after top defense officials said citizens must ready themselves for a potential armed conflict".

"Children's rights organization Bris said its phone operators reported a huge uptick in the number of callers worried about war coming to Sweden, with spokeswoman Maja Dahl slamming the government's apparent lack of preparation around the alarming announcement made at the weekend."

Traumatic shock to Swedish young people, especially those of military age I might even think extreme. Few if anybody ever thought such a thing was going to happen, even a few years ago. Although some in the higher echelons of government and in the military such a prospect and eventuality was seen as being a possible. 

Northmen! Make ready!


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