Wednesday, January 17, 2024


This is coolbert.

"plow: verb - 5. to spend or invest (money) in substantial amounts —used with into"

French naval vessel under attack direct drone attack the Red Sea.

Hootie Tootie the Red Sea still has the power and advantage. Drone attack benefit-cost-ratio still very much in the favor of Hootie Tootie and perhaps always will be.

$1 million missile required to shoot down either a $2,000 are $20,000 drone.

"French Navy Plows Through Million Dollar Missiles To Defeat Cheap Houthi Drones"

From  | via | BY TYLER DURDEN  |   JAN 15, 2024.

"French warship in Red Sea targeted by drones launched from Yemen"

"France says that one of its warships in the Red Sea was targeted by two drones coming from Yemen. Both were intercepted and shot down." 

"A key reason that Yemen's Houthis are unlikely to halt their attacks on Red Sea shipping as well as Western warships parked there is because immense pressure on the global transit waterway can be kept up, while it costs little to persist with such launches."

This French war ship not under the command of TF-153. French naval assets the Red Sea operate only under a NATO/European command.

This French warship is a FREMM class frigate with 16 vertical launch system cells.

FREMM fires the ASTER surface to air missile.

ASTER answer consisting of four variants. Local and wide area defense and ballistic missile defense short and medium range. Warships of the FREMM class generally carry a mix of ASTER surface to air missiles task tailored?

To keep a viable combat effectiveness all nations with military vessels active in the Red Sea mission intercepting Hootie Tootie drones need to have at least four vessels dedicated to the mission at any given moment. 

One vessel at home port reloading the various vertical launch system cells. A second along the way to patrol station. A third returning from patrol station to home port and the fourth on-station preparing to engage enemy.

Please recall that these missiles fired from these vertical launch cells of warships can only be reloaded at a home port.


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