Friday, January 12, 2024


This is coolbert:

"We must wage a ruthless war against anyone who disturbs the rear guard, against deserters, panic mongerers, those spreading rumors; we must exterminate spies, saboteurs and enemy parachutists and we must achieve a speedy co-operation with our shock battalions. We must keep in mind that the enemy is sly, cunning and experienced in deceit and the spreading of false rumors. We have to take all this into account and not accept provocations. Anyone who thwarts the national defense by panicking and cowardice must be brought before a military tribunal immediately regardless of who or what he is." - J. Stalin.

As in the days of Joseph Stalin 1941, so as it is now in the days of Vlad Putin 2023?

Even the slightest deviation from the norm can get you in serious trouble and this man surely in serious trouble

"Russian pro-war activist and Putin critic detained over alleged terrorism offenses, his lawyer says"

 From  |  REUTERS  |  January 11, 2024.

"Udaltsov is the leader of the Left Front, a group of political parties that oppose Putin and are affiliated with the Communist Party"

"On Thursday, Udaltsov wrote on his Telegram social media channel that police were banging on his door to search his home"

"Sergei Udaltsov, a Russian pro-war activist and critic of President Vladimir Putin, was remanded into custody Thursday over alleged terrorism offenses, his lawyer told the Russian state news agency Tass"

A proud Russian, communist and supporter of the Russian special military operation the Ukraine Conflict, but nonetheless a critic of Vlad Putin charged with serious offenses. At least he has not been given summary execution as might’ve been the case in 1941.


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