Friday, January 12, 2024


This is coolbert: 

Not quite the press-gang from days of yore but is getting close to it!!

See previous blog entry as most relevant in this case recruitment for Ukraine conflict of Russian citizens carried to the extreme.

Jump from a frying pan into the fire with one great leap, and all for a minor debt of an almost an inconsequential nature.

Go fight in Ukraine and get your butt shut off. Yes you can do it.

"Bailiffs recruit debtors for war in Ukraine"

"A resident of Karelia, who owed 169 rubles (€1,70) for utilities, was offered to go to the front."

From |  Georgii Chentemirov  |  January 02, 2024.

"In Karelia, a bailiff sent a notice to a local resident, strongly recommending that he go to war in order to avoid paying his debt. The document is available to the Barents Observer."

"According to the database of enforcement proceedings, the debt was 169 rubles (less than two euros) in unpaid utilities bills. The very first paragraph of the notice which the bailiff sent the debtor explains how one can get an exemption from paying the debt. According to the law, enforcement proceedings are suspended if a citizen enters into a contract with the Armed Forces and goes to war in Ukraine."

Do I need to say to anybody that debt represents a value of slightly less than $ two dollars USD?

If you thought you had already heard it all guess again now you have one more thing to contemplate.


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