Wednesday, January 24, 2024

R & M.

This is coolbert:

R & M = Rats and Mice.

Eternal warfare the Ukraine Conflict. Rats, mice, and other vermin bearing disease.

"Rats and mice swarm trenches in Ukraine in grisly echo of World War I"

From | By Christian Edwards and Olga Voitovych | CNN | January 21, 2024.

"grisly: adjective - Causing repugnance; gruesome. synonym: ghastly."

"The frontlines of Russia’s war in Ukraine have become infested with rats and mice, reportedly spreading disease that causes soldiers to vomit and bleed from their eyes, crippling combat capability and recreating the gruesome conditions that plagued troops in the trench warfare of World War I."

Traditionally disease has been the biggest cause of death among soldiers during wartime. Generally more deaths from illness than deaths from battle field injury. Rats, mice and other vermin carrying disease which is spread to soldiers.

The Ukraine Conflict has now devolved into a stalemated carve-up, neither side able to prevail. both sides now resorting to trench warfare with active defense as the only option. Expect that a long and stalemated period of inconclusive and positional warfare will now occur. Conditions most favorable for of all types of verminous critters. 

See my previous blog entry the rat problem as existed in the trenches of World War One:


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