Tuesday, January 23, 2024


This is coolbert:

I’ll believe it when I see it!

As offered by the Israeli a two-month truce to the Gaza War with terms & conditions!

The Israeli already denying this proposal!

"Israel Offers Substantial 2-Month Gaza Ceasefire For Release Of All Hostages"

From https://www.zerohedge.com | BY TYLER DURDEN | JAN 22, 2024.            

"In a huge and surprise development, Israel has made a substantial proposal for a new ceasefire deal that includes multiple phases at the end of which all remaining hostages held in Gaza would be released. The negotiations front has been quiet and considered to be a failure for the past couple months, leading to general pessimism that Israel had a new proposal in the works. At the same time the Red Sea crisis and damage to global shipping through the vital transit waterway has reached a boiling point."

As to terms and conditions for a two-month truce devoted readers to the blog will just have to read the entire article for themselves!

See previous blog entry the 20-day truce that never materialized!


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