Wednesday, January 10, 2024


This is coolbert: 

It can be reasoned quite justifiably that such an event if it occurs only once every 200 years or so it’s not necessarily such a bad thing? This can be justifiably seen as being so?

Sweden now preparing for the worst the possibility of war with Russia seen as a potentiality.

"Swedes told to ‘prepare for war’"

"The country must brace for a potential confrontation with Russia, delegates at a major conference have been told"

From  | 9 Jan, 2024.

"Swedes told to ‘prepare for war’"

"Top Swedish officials have urged the country's citizens to prepare for a potential war, amid rising tensions with Moscow. The statements were made at the Folk och Forsvar National Conference in Salen."

"In a speech on Sunday, Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom hailed his country’s expected membership in NATO as 'the biggest change in Swedish security policy in more than 200 years.'”

See previous blog entries with many embedded links the topic Swedish military preparedness:


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