Monday, November 6, 2023

SSGN Gaza.

This is coolbert:

TLAM = Tomahawk Land Attack Missile.

I think the assumption made is that this is a refurbished/modified Ohio class submarine to carrying an immense number to Tomahawk [TLAM] cruise missiles.

Tomahawk SSGN [?] not been confirmed or denied as they say!

"What Message Does US Tomahawk-Carrying Submarine Send Amid Gaza War?"

From | Ekaterina Blinova.

"An Ohio-class guided missile submarine arrived in the Middle East on Sunday, as per a social media post by the US Central Command."

"The Ohio-class guided missile submarine (SSGN) – depicted entering the Suez Canal northeast of Cairo by the US Central Command – is one of the four US underwater craft of this type converted to fire Tomahawk cruise missiles rather than nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles."

"Per the US press, each SSGN sub can carry 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles, which is 50% more than a US guided-missile destroyer and nearly four times what the US Navy's newest attack submarines are equipped with"

What message is being sent? Unfriendly actors in case of an escalation of the Gaza War can expect a barrage of American cruise missiles to send the recipient nation back to the Stone Age!! Need I say more?


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