Monday, November 6, 2023


This is coolbert:

EXCOMM II the Gaza War. See the wiki entry for EXCOMM the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962.

"a body of United States government officials that convened to advise President John F. Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. It was composed of the regular members of the National Security Council, along with other men whose advice the President deemed useful during the crisis."

Situation the Gaza War precarious. An escalation might occur at any moment in an unforeseen manner. Special circumstances requires special means.

"Biden's 'war cabinet': The key people advising him on the Israel-Hamas war"

"President Biden has been deeply involved in the U.S. response to the Israel-Hamas war — one of the thorniest challenges of his presidency so far — receiving briefings at least once per day and speaking with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu several times a week."

From |  the article by Dave Lawler & Barak Ravid | Nov 4, 2023.

Those most present and advising Joe Biden, at the top of the food chain to include:

* Tony Blinken, Secretary of State.

* Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense.

* Jake Sullivan, National Security Adviser.

* Jon Finer, Deputy National Security Adviser.

* Bill Burns, CIA Director, and Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence.

* David Satterfield, Special Envoy for Middle East Humanitarian Issues.

* Brett McGurk, NSC Coordinator for the Middle East.

* Kamala Harris, Vice President.

* Phil Gordon, National Security Adviser to the VP.

* Roger Carstens, Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs.

* Gen. Erik Kurilla, CENTCOM Commander.

The best and the brightest. Cool and rational persons who can be counted on not to panic at distressing news. Make cool and rational and informed decisions. 

I sure hope so!


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