Tuesday, October 10, 2023


This is coolbert:

Breakout Hamas? Connect the Gaza enclave with the West Bank? Could it be?

"Hamas is attempting the unthinkable: Islamist forces have entered Tel Aviv and Hebron - They want to unite Gaza with the West Bank & 'cut Israel in two'!"

"They are attempting a general uprising inside Israel! - Clashes in Hebron, Tel Aviv, East Jerusalem and Jenin"

From https://warnews247-gr | 09/10/2023.

"The forces of Hamas and the rest of the Islamist organizations are attempting something unthinkable, something that until now would have been considered a science fiction scenario: To unite Gaza with Hebron/West Bank and secure the 'corridor'."

The plan is the base from all change is made! The safe-bet would have been that the Hamas raiders having crossed over into Israel proper and created a lot of aggravation, retirement to safe haven in Gaza the obvious move. Escape before massive Israeli troop formations could arrive. This is not the case? Efforts to take advantage of unexpected success and exploit Israeli weakness are now underway by Hamas flying-columns?

Who could have possibly thought it just a few days ago!!


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