Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Go-ahead II.

This is coolbert:

"'I have no doubt that questions about this intelligence failure are being addressed now in the Israeli government,' . . . 'I am sure there will be a full inquiry when the current situation is stabilized. Until then we can only speculate. This attack has been called Israel’s 9/11 by some people, or Israel’s Pearl Harbor, both of which were also accompanied by tragic intelligence failure.'" -Colonel Kemp.

More the war between Israel and Hamas. The hidden hand again!

"Col. Richard Kemp: Gaza op. too complex for Hamas, Iran and Russia behind it"

"Former commander of British forces in Afghanistan tells INN West must support Israeli efforts to destroy Hamas after massacre."

From https://www.israelnationalnews.com | the article by Gary Willig | Oct 8, 2023.

Colonel Richard Kemp, the former commander of the British military forces in Afghanistan, spoke to Israel National News - Arutz Sheva on Sunday about the Hamas-launched war on Israel in which over 350 people have been murdered so far and stated that Russia's hand can be seen in the attack in addition to the hand of Iran.

"The attack began with a coordinated breach of the Gaza border fence at multiple locations accompanied by the firing of thousands of rockets into southern Israel, allowing squads of terrorists to penetrate into Israel and attack numerous communities and cities in southern Israel in the early morning. Israel was caught completely off-guard by the assault, representing a massive intelligence failure."

Again, the perspective is that Hamas on their own could not have planned such a complex and many-sided military operation so skillfully. It was beyond Hamas capability to do so. That remains to be seen but at the same time I would not deny the ability of Hamas to survive and even thrive as they have for a long time. 

Personally this Hamas attack on Israel more resembles the Tet Offensive 1968 than anything else. The Second Indo-China War.


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