Thursday, October 5, 2023


This is coolbert:

Long before there was T-600 there was DASH.

"Drone named after the Terminator demonstrates warfare abilities by dropping a torpedo from mid-air"

From By STACY LIBERATORE FOR DAILYMAIL.COM 4 October 2023. Image courtesy Flavio Luccisano.

"A drone called the T-600 -the same name as the Terminator - successfully launched a torpedo from the sky."

* "A drone with the same name as the Terminator could be the next thing in warfare" * "A demonstration showed a drone flying and dropping a torpedo in the ocean" 

"BAE Systems demonstrated the feat during a NATO training exercise, which saw a human controller fly the quadcopter strapped with the torpedo from a dock and over the ocean, where it let the weapon drop."

BAE their model anti-submarine drone hardly novel or unique. Understand the U.S. Navy had such a weapon from sixty years ago. Not just a demonstrator model! Deployed in numbers. Good going BAE but just don't toot your horn too loud.

Think American QH-50 DASH.

See my previous blog entry DASH anti-submarine drone.

"The Gyrodyne QH-50 DASH (Drone Anti-Submarine Helicopter) is [was] a small drone helicopter built by Gyrodyne Company of America for use as a long-range anti-submarine weapon on ships that would otherwise be too small to operate a full-sized helicopter. It remained in production until 1969. Several are still used today for various land-based roles."

DASH able to carry torpedo, depth charge, and even [?] atomic munitions!

Every USN ship becoming an anti-submarine warfare vessel as a possible!


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