Wednesday, October 18, 2023


This is coolbert:

Imminent but delayed?

Softening them up? Israel preparation of the battlefield?

Jerusalem Post  Israel News  Defense News

1. "Why has the Gaza ground invasion been delayed since Friday? - analysis"

"Is Hezbollah waiting to strike until forces are in a Gaza quagmire?"

From | article by YONAH JEREMY BOB | OCTOBER 16, 2023.

"It seemed crystal clear on Thursday: the IDF counter-invasion of Gaza would start either Friday [13 Oct.] or Saturday."

"The IDF had given certain deadlines for Palestinians to evacuate northern Gaza, with the deadlines expiring by midday Friday [14 Oct.]."

"The drum beat toward an invasion had started as early as Sunday-Monday and was only getting louder, with the air force having already paved the way with several days of withering bombing."

"Yet, now we have arrived at late Monday, and if anything, the signs (which could also be psychological warfare) are that the invasion is further away, and not yet imminent."

2. "Israel Delay in Ground Invasion of Gaza Prompts Speculation"

From | JOEL B. POLLAK | 17 Oct 2023.

"Israel appears to have delayed a ground invasion of Gaza that was expected as early as Friday, and speculation is mounting as to why."

"Last Thursday, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) issued a warning to civilians in northern Gaza to evacuate south, giving them 24 hours to do so (though a spokesman later said that the IDF understood that the evacuation might take several days)."

"One reason is Lebanon. Iran’s proxy terrorist army, Hezbollah, has been firing anti-tank missiles at Israeli posts on the border sporadically, and commandos have been trying to breach the Israeli border at various points. Israel has maintained a policy of firing back, but only at the positions from which they were attacked, not at broader Hezbollah targets."

Seems our good friend General Ivry had the correct appreciation of things. His admonishments have been taken into consideration.


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