Wednesday, October 18, 2023


This is coolbert:

"Under the new EOD bonus system, eligible lieutenants can sign a four-year contract to score a $72,000 bonus, or agree to $12,500 annually for two more years of service, according to the naval administrative message, or NAVADMIN. Those who sign on for another two years after that can receive another two-year incentive, totaling $50,000 over four years."

Navy [USN] Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) cash incentive to remain on active military duty. EOD personnel USN must all be diver qualified?

"Navy [USN] offering up to $100K in EOD officer retention bonuses"

"The Navy is offering big bucks to some explosive ordnance disposal officers — if they remain in the service for a few more years."

From | article by Diana Stancy Correll  |  Oct 16, 2023.

"The Navy's explosive ordnance disposal community is offering big retention bonuses to keep officers in its ranks."

"Under a new policy, the Navy is now breaking up its incentives into two-year increments, while also offering larger amounts of cash to those who agree to four more years of service up front, according to a message to the fleet issued Friday."

For EOD personnel of the officer class only? Should be for everyone. To qualify and be certified for EOD a tough process. Mentally stable and highly trained military men and additionally DIVER qualified. Physical requirements for DIVER qualification stringent.

EOD a high-level security clearance also a must. You have to know how to disarm an atomic weapon if need be!


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