Wednesday, October 25, 2023


This is coolbert:

Antique and antiquated Cold War weaponry once AGAIN makes an appearance the Ukraine Conflict.

See my prior blog entry the Soviet-era KS-19 anti-aircraft artillery gun.

"Ukrainian unit fires a 100 mm gun that took part in World War II"

From |  article by Boyko Nikolov | Oct 21, 2023

"A photograph has surfaced in the public domain, providing evidence that a contingent of the [Ukrainian] military, presumably part of the airborne forces, possesses a 100-mm BS-3 cannon, which was in active production between 1944 and 1951."

"The image showcasing a pristine or relatively new 100 mm shell, held by a military personnel of the BS-3 unit, authenticates the possibility of utilizing this artillery in contemporary warfare against Russian armored vehicles. The photographs in question were disseminated to the public by OSINT analyst Aloha via his Twitter account."

BS-3 the PRIMARY mission an anti-tank gun to be used ordinarily as a direct-fire weapon BUT can also be employed as conventional tube artillery in the INDIRECT fire role.

Apparently BS-3 ammunition incompatible with the T-12 gun also has been spotted in action Ukraine.

The Ukrainian has numbers of these weapons mothballed and warehoused? And I believe IF used in a judicious manner can destroy Russian light armor. Russian beware.


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