Wednesday, October 25, 2023


This is coolbert:

The top twenty military powers of the world. See the animated You Tube short video.


"World military power ranking(2005~2022)"

I am sure a lot of persons will have a problem with this rating scheme. No criteria as mentioned by which such evaluation is done. Atomic weapons included in the calculations?

Those three nations at the very top, USA, China and Russia I don't think anyone has a problem with.

The nation of Israel however their degree of military power understated rather drastically? In 2022 Israel their standing ONLY number eighteen on the list? Israel is generally accepted to be a nuclear power with a capacity of several hundred atomic bombs at their disposal. 

A number of years ago the esteemed Israeli military historian and theoretician Martin van Creveld his appraisal of the Israeli military as either number two or three most powerful in the world. That evaluation undoubtedly based on the professor his calculations to include atomic munitions and the capacity to use same.

Personally I cannot think otherwise.


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