Sunday, September 10, 2023


This is coolbert:

Historically, the biggest killer in wartime has been water and feet. Water not enough to drink or too contaminated and diseased. Bacteria entering the human body from the consumption a quick killer.

Feet think within the context of bad feet. A soldier not able to keep up with a march, losing contact with his unit, set upon by civilian marauders or guerrillas.

As it has been in the past, is now, always will be. World without end. Amen.

"Dirty water 20 times deadlier to children in conflict zones than bullets – Unicef"

"World Water Day study highlights [the] lethal nature of unsafe sanitation and hygiene for children, especially under-fives"

From | Kate Hoda @katehodal | 22 Mar 2019.

"Children under five who live in conflict zones are 20 times more likely to die from diarrhoeal diseases linked to unsafe water than from direct violence as a result of war, Unicef has found."

"Analysing mortality data from 16 countries beset by long-term conflict – including Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen – the UN children’s agency also found that unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene kills nearly three times more children under 15 than war."


"Diarrhoeal disease linked to unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene kills an average of 72,000 children under five each year, while direct violence from war kills an average of 3,400, according to the report."

The runs will do you in!

"The idiom 'the runs' refers to a case of diarrhea. It can be caused by drinking [contaminated water] or eating something that causes diarrhea."

The Soviet experience in Afghan producing 300,000 non-battlefield casualties. Cause not specified but I believe hepatitis from drinking bad water.


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