Tuesday, September 12, 2023


This is coolbert:

American air force mission England guaranteed to generate a lot of controversy. 

"ORIGIN OF SURETY: from Middle French; Old French seurte from Latin sēcūritāt-, stem of sēcūritās security"

"The ‘Real Nuclear Crisis’ Fear Behind a Single Pentagon Document"

From https://dnyuz.com | September 8, 2023 the tip from Mihash.

"The United States may be looking to station nuclear weapons in the United Kingdom for the first time in 15 years—and the move threatens to set off a tidal wave of controversy, backlash, and hostility from Russia, according to U.S. Air Force budget documents and experts."


"Notes in a document detailing the U.S. Air Force budget for 2024 indicate that the Air Force has plans to construct what’s called a 'surety dormitory' at Royal Air Force (RAF) Lakenheath, a base 70 miles northeast of London. It is the largest U.S. Air Force-operated base in England."

"The plan is to 'construct a 144-bed dormitory to house the increase in enlisted personnel as the result of the potential Surety Mission,' the document states."

Surety mission Lakenheath an atomic mission it can reasonably inferred. Housing for specially trained/screened/reliable personnel their job to service atomic weapons. F-35 Lightning warplanes nuclear capable already permanently stationed Lakenheath.

OH MY! Where are we headed.


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