Wednesday, September 13, 2023


This is coolbert:

The proud Russian having to swallow their pride and admit the Ukraine Conflict not going well. Negotiate that a foreign nation will provide ammunition as needed to further Russian war aims. Not exactly humiliation but close too it.

"North Korean weapons cache gives Kim a role in Putin’s invasion"

From | September 11, 2023 | original story Jon Herskovitz and Sangmi Cha | Bloomberg News

"North Korean weaponry could allow Russia to prolong the storm of steel it has rained down on Ukraine but probably isn’t advanced enough to alter the course of the Kremlin’s war on its neighbor, now well into its second year."

"Leader Kim Jong Un is expected to cross into Russia this week for his first trip outside the peninsula in four years for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The U.S. has said the meeting would focus on supplying munitions to Moscow."

With special attention to providing artillery rounds of the 122 mm and 152 mm type. Also for 122 mm rocket of the GRAD rocket artillery variety.

Additionally furnish spare parts for antiquated Soviet-era tanks of the T-54/55 and T-62 models. This also on the table for negotiation.

I can well imagine that Kim Jong Un relishes his role as a minor player on the world stage, all attention on me. Hardly does that make for a better world!


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