Saturday, August 5, 2023


This is coolbert:

Legal and societal change Israel causing consternation in the military once more.

An obligatory course deemed by some participants to be too political.

This Professor Bar speaking from his heart and diverting from the syllabus?

"IDF cadets forced to listen to anti-government lecture"

From Arutz Sheva ^ | 4/8/23.

"IDF officers directed harsh criticism at a civics lesson with Reserve Major Professor Yishai Bar, which is required for those hoping to advance in rank. The officers claim Professor Bar spoke against the government's judicial reform plan and religious education. The officers reported to Torat Lehima, a nonprofit advocating for Jewish values in the IDF, that some of the officers demanded that the course commander, Lt. Col. Hanoch Dauba, stop the lecture, which sparked a fierce dispute among the officers present."

Nations and countries that pride themselves in having a democracy also take pride in having an apolitical military. Military not abusing power/authority. Servants of the nation not intruding or interfering in politics.

Controversy now Israel has become so polarized and agitated that even the generally very highly respected Israel military is being stressed.

It should be noted that high-ranking Israeli military officers, indeed those most senior commanders, upon retirement, very fond of entering politics and often using their military service/reputation to gain high elected office.

See previous blog entry with further embedded links relevant to the topic:


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