Saturday, August 5, 2023


This is coolbert:

I recommend highly without reservation or qualification the You Tube video.

Strategic bombing by the long-range four-engine bomber warplanes of the allied air forces thought to be a war winning measure. 

Especially in regard to bombing certain particular targets of great importance. The industrial war-making potential of a country would come to a halt if certain product curtailed. Oil refineries, ball-bearing factories, etc. Destruction of these facilities and the war over.

"Flying Through Hell to Bomb Hitler's Oil | 'Ploesti' the Documentary"

"This is the story of Operation Tidal Wave - the famous B-24 Liberator bombing raid on Ploesti, Romania on August 1st of 1943 to strike the oil refineries of the Nazi war machine. The became a horrific disaster by the United States air force"


* The Germans knew [and it is not mentioned] that when the mass take off began a German stay behind unit observed and reported. Just the fact that so many planes in the air in once had to be a major tip off. Something big was afoot.

* Bomber with the lead navigator went into the sea for no known reason. Bomber with the # 2 navigator on board then went to low level to see if there were survivors and had to abort the mission, could not regain height in the hot air. Breaking formation unauthorized I might think a violation of regulations of even military law as it existed at the time.

* Lots of Medals of Honor [MoH] awarded. It is often suggested that the bad wars and bad missions often produce a lot of MoH. 

* That senior officer that made the bad turn, I hope he was severely chastised or just downright cashiered.

* Lots of problems with smoke and delayed action [DA bombs] going off and damaging or bringing down planes trying to fly through.

* 1/3 of the attacking force did not make it. Extraordinary. I want to fly airplanes. No getting my boots muddy.

* Production reduced by 40 % but only for weeks or a few months. Ploesti only their production 1/9 of the German total. So not even 5 % of production reduced and then only for several months at the most.

* How many of those planes that returned had to be scrapped?

* Well, the video is amazingly well done.

* For the gain the debit was way too great.


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