Thursday, August 17, 2023


This is coolbert:

At a moment of crisis when determination and will is needed the German falls down?

Agreed upon agreement for NATO constituent states to spend yearly 2 % of GDP on military spending gone by either clever bookkeeping or accounting?

"Germany walks back plan to meet NATO spending target on annual basis"

From Reuters via Yahoo ^ | August 16th, 2023 | Holger Hansen | 8/17/2023.

"BERLIN (Reuters) -The German government has retreated from a plan to legally commit itself to meeting NATO's 2% military spending target on an annual basis, a government source told Reuters on Wednesday. A corresponding clause in a draft of the budget financing law passed by the cabinet of Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Wednesday was deleted at short notice, the source said. The change means that Germany will be able to stick to its current pledge of meeting the 2% target on average over a five-year period"

Those European nations NATO loathe to spend money on defense allocations. The social welfare safety-net system must be maintained by the politician. Guns or butter and butter usually comes out on top that sort of thing.

If nothing the German [and the rest of NATO for that matter] need to really fast replenish stocks of bang-stuff and bang-making stuff and do so more or less on a crash basis. The body is weak and so is the spirit however.

See recent blog entries that topic German defense and war-making budgeting:

Und zu all dem würde General Rommel sagen?


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