Friday, August 18, 2023


This is coolbert:

Not quite a Sleeping Beauty but we are headed the right direction. Combat canoe Ukraine.

More from | article by H I Sutton | 08 August 2023.

"Ukrainian Special Forces Poloz-M16 Canoe"

Image courtesy the Ukrainian MoD.

"Ukrainian armed forces have been shown testing an indigenous motorized canoe, the Poloz-M16. The two-person design is not typical of military canoes which are most often of the folding kayak type. Instead it is a hard hull type with hard deck and soft covers, and an electric motor at the stern. The crew can also use double-ended kayak style paddles."

"Poloz-M16 is produced by Adamant Shipyard. The canoe was seen armed with a single locally designed UAG-40 40mm grenade launcher. The 18kg [40 pounds] weapon has light recoil, making mounting practical. it is compatible with NATO 40mm grenade ammunition. Range is reported at [about a mile]."

Combat kayak used by the Australian Jaywick raiders the Second World War.

See my previous blog entry naval commando one-man submersible kayak:


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