Wednesday, August 2, 2023


This is coolbert:

See previous blog entry the role of the counter-battery/counter-mortar radar as applicable to the Ukraine Conflict.

"Russian forces cripple Ukrainian army’s counter-battery radar in Kharkov Region"

From Russian media outlet TASS.

"MOSCOW, August 1. /TASS/. Russian forces wiped out a Zoopark-3 counter-battery radar station of the Ukrainian army in the Kharkov Region over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine"

"The Ukrainian Army's Ground Forces has received the 'domestically made' 1L220UK counter-battery radar, also known as Zoopark 3"

Some units of Zoopark now gone?

Read further from the capability of Zoopark-1 formidable.

Able to track with accuracy the firing positions of enemy mortars, artillery, rockets, missiles. 

These radars of the counter-battery/counter-mortar type however by the virtue of emitting a strong signal their location can easily [?] be established. 

See previous blog entries [with additional embedded links] the topic the anti-radiation missile as a possible counter to the counter- battery/counter-mortar radar:


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