Wednesday, July 19, 2023


This is coolbert:

CB/CM = Counter-battery/counter-mortar.

In a war that has become artillery-centric radars that function in the CB/CM mode of operation critical. 

A lack of such CB/CM systems a significant problem for the Russian? Battlefield attrition to blame?

"Russian forces are running out of the critical radars they need to defeat Ukraine's artillery, UK intel says"

* "Both Ukraine and Russia rely on counter-battery radars to strike each other's artillery."

* "But Moscow's troops face a shortage of critical radars that has only worsened during the war."

* "Britain's defense ministry said Russian forces likely only have a few key systems remaining."

"Relentless and brutal artillery battles between Russian and Ukrainian forces are a key feature of ongoing fighting, leaving both sides dependent on counter-battery detection to find and attack enemy fire."

Anti-radiation [radar]American missiles of the Shrike variety have indeed taken a toll of Russian CB/CM radars. Ability of the Russian to locate Ukrainian firing batteries restricted?

Russians in addition to CB/CM radars also have the electronic sound-ranging system AZK-7M apparatus. Sound-ranging as a means of locating enemy artillery a legacy of the Great War [WW1] but with greatly enhanced technology.

See previous applicable blog entries: fire


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