Saturday, June 17, 2023


This is coolbert:

Lads and lassies both in big trouble.

Azov battalion personnel captured the steelworks siege now on trial as terrorists and war criminals!

I venture not going to go well for them.

"Ukraine ‘Azov regiment’ prisoners of war go on trial in Russia" |15 Jun 2023.

"Eight women are among the 22 Ukrainian prisoners of war who are accused by Russia of membership in a ‘terrorist group’."

"More than 20 Ukrainian soldiers who were taken prisoner during the months-long battle to defend the port city of Mariupol from Moscow’s forces have gone on trial in southern Russia."

"The captured soldiers were members of the Azov regiment, an elite Ukrainian armed forces unit that fought against Russian troops for months in the Sea of Azov port of Mariupol."

Lady soldiers [terrorists?] described by some as cooks and nothing more than that?

These persons on trial will be subjected to a type of procedure as you would have seen during the Stalinist period? 

Care to make a sincere statement of repentance and you life will probably be spared. For some the death penalty will be meted out no matter what.

Going to be rough for all you can guarantee it!


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