Friday, June 16, 2023

Gota Fría.

This is coolbert:

All thanks here to Count Raimundo an extract from an article of his. Consider within context of the breached Dneiper river dam and the flooding of land downstream as a weapon of war.

As it was in 1094 so as it is in 2023. Eternal warfare.

According to the Count:

"Acting fast, the Cid, who was camped outside the walls of Valencia, destroyed all of the bridges leading to the city and flooded the countryside with water from the canals, so that only one strip of land, which he now controlled, was dry."

The great campeador of Spain - Roderick Díaz of Vivar at work. The Battle of Valencia, 1094. El Cid. Valencia better described as a siege.

Campeador” comes from the Latin campi doctoris (a battle planner and teacher)

And here from the website a much more cogent description of the flooding of the ground Valencia: 

"On the tenth day of the siege, Valencia’s farmers informed Rodrigo that they had seen birds randomly appearing and keeping their flight so close to the ground that they almost skimmed it, which meant that the 'Gota Fría' (the rainy season) was almost there. Indeed, that night, black clouds covered the city of Valencia"

"The rain turned into a deluge and, as expected by Rodrigo, the Turia river had increased its flow so much that it caused huge torrents, entering the Almoravid camp at El Cuarte and taking pavilions, campaign tents, food and war supplies with it, mainly caused because Rodrigo had ordered to stop the functioning of the irrigation system of the fields of Valencia, so that the water would not have any other option than to accumulate on the surface. The rain turned into a deluge and, as expected by Rodrigo, the Turia river had increased its flow so much that it caused huge torrents, entering the Almoravid camp at El Cuarte and taking pavilions, campaign tents, food and war supplies with it, mainly caused because Rodrigo had ordered to stop the functioning of the irrigation system of the fields of Valencia, so that the water would not have any other option than to accumulate on the surface."

That overland relief force of the Muslim Almoravid their supplies and impedimenta of war damaged or destroyed, the only access route to Valencia block by Roderick. No option but to withdraw, overland relief as planned unsuccessful.

See additionally those most recent applicable blog entries:


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