Tuesday, May 16, 2023


This is coolbert:

Not necessarily a case of prevarication, dissimulation, down-right lying?

"Navy suddenly tells retiring troops they owe 3 more years of service amid recruiting troubles"

From https://americanmilitarynews.com/  MAY 09, 2023 | KYLE KLEEMAN. That tip from Dragula.

"At least 65 military doctors and dentists in the Navy Reserves were told on Friday that they still had to undertake at least three more years of service, a shocking development caused by administrative record-keeping errors in their retirement credits, officials claimed as the U.S. military continues to face a historic decline in military recruits."

Military doctors and dentists their education and training as health care professionals courtesy the U.S. Navy now being DENIED full retirement benefits due to administrator error?

Military doctors and dentists all SELECTIVE RESERVISTS their retirement package from the USA military in jeopardy, promises made but promises not kept?

Reserve career personnel needing TWENTY GOOD YEARS to be eligible for full retirement benefits. Three years of professional education NOT counting as GOOD YEARS toward retirement.

Recruiters perhaps in GOOD FAITH having told the recruits at the time of enlistment that their period of professional education would count as GOOD YEARS toward retirement MISTAKEN with regard to contractual agreement? Not a case of lies and deception?

Devoted readers to the blog will have to decide this one for themselves.


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