Wednesday, May 17, 2023


This is coolbert:

If the Russian really was worried about depleted uranium munitions, they need to be more careful where they aim their missiles.

"Huge 'Mushroom' Blast in Khmelnytskyi Reignites 'Depleted Uranium' Claims"

From | article by YEVGENY KUKLYCHEV ON 5/15/23.

"A viral video of a huge explosion near the city of Khmelnytskyi in Western Ukraine has been shared widely along with unverified claims that a 'depleted uranium' storage facility was hit and reports that radiation levels were 'rising' in the aftermath of the strike (which have been dismissed as false by the IAEA)."

Not necessarily a depleted uranium storage facility. A storage facility which contains depleted uranium rounds but not strictly depleted uranium munitions.


"But with little official commentary from Moscow or Kyiv about the Russian strikes on targets across Western Ukraine, which took place on the night of May 13, 2023, striking images of a huge explosion recorded near Khmelnytskyi added fuel to social media speculation and resurrected existing narratives about the so-called 'depleted uranium' shells."

Go here and see the tweet courtesy Spriter the first detonation of the weapons depot followed by a secondary explosive of lesser intensity [but still rather significant]. My immediate thought was that of the recent Beirut blast 2020 [equal to about a 1 Kt tactical atomic weapon going off].

According to Spirter:


"According to  information, the value of the ammunition destroyed in the Khmelnytsky ammunition depot is about 500 million dollars."

Information which cannot be either confirmed or denied.


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