Thursday, May 18, 2023


This is coolbert:

British warship even before launching construction halted. Internal sabotage.

"British Next-Gen Warship ‘Sabotaged’"

By RT | May 14th 2023. Russian controlled [?] media Russian Times.

"A probe was launched into suspected “intentional” damage aboard the frigate HMS Glasgow."

"British defense contractor BAE Systems is assessing the scope of repairs needed following an alleged act of sabotage on the Royal Navy’s newest frigate, which is still under construction."

"According to the UK Defense Journal, which first reported the incident, more than 60 cables were cut aboard the vessel. The publication said it is believed that 'an issue related to payment disputes' could have been the motive."

The disgruntled, disaffected, aggrieved worker with huge chip-on-shoulder to blame? A pay dispute for which an individual would risk the lives of others?

BAE now as reported to do a costly quality control check of previous assemblies and systems critical in all cases. Further internal sabotage suspected?

Think too of the sad end to the American nuclear submarine USS Miami. Sabotaged by a lazy worker the ship having caught fire, damage so great that vessel had to be scrapped. A $ half-billion warship done in by a single civilian worker with chip-on-shoulder grudge.


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