Saturday, April 22, 2023


This is coolbert:

UAP/UFO paranormal. As recorded video footage from an American drone.

"Pentagon Video Shows Mysterious Flying Orb, Says 650 UFOs Are Being Tracked"

From the Internet web site "Blazing Cat Fur" and thanks to same.

"The Pentagon has released rare declassified footage of an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) spotted in the Middle East last year [2022]."

Watch the video for yourself. The military observer of paranormal activity to be more trusted than any other. The disinterested party without agenda and trained in observational techniques.

"The footage, shown before a congressional committee Wednesday as part of a defense update on UFOs (or, as the Pentagon calls them, UAPs – Unexplained Anomalous Phenomena) shows a small, spherical object that appears to shimmer as it quickly zips above houses and empty fields."

Six-hundred fifty of the "orbs" have been observed and are [were] tracked? That does sound to be a large number to me. Much more than mere shadows or optical illusions/camera malfunctions!

Yes, comrade, I fear we are being watched! By whom I am even afraid to ask the question. There is a very simple and reasonable explanation, isn't there?


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