Saturday, April 22, 2023


This is coolbert:

Martyrdom Iranian Meraj-532. The latest Iranian kamikaze drone. Launched from the back of a pick-up truck.

"Iran Unveils Car-Launched Suicide Drone, Meraj-532, That Has One-Way Range Of 450 Km [about 270 miles] & Strikes With Deadly Accuracy"

From article by Sakshi Tiwari | April 10, 2023.

"As kamikaze drones become increasingly instrumental in modern combat, Iran has unveiled another one-way Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) dubbed ‘Meraj-532’ for Iran Revolutionary Guards Ground Forces (IRGC)."

Lift-off! Drone underway using organic power!

"On April 9, a video released by Iran and published on state media showed the unveiling of the Meraj-532 drone by the IRGC. According to publicly available information, the Meraj-532 is a piston-engine drone with a one-way range of 450 kilometers [about 270 miles]."

Almost any pick-up truck [presumably with some sort of apparatus attached to the bed of the truck] can be used as a launcher. Truck drive at a rather high-speed giving a lot of lift to the drone PRIOR to release. No NEED for JATO/RATO assistance.

"JATO (acronym for jet-assisted take-off) is a type of assisted take-off for helping overloaded aircraft into the air by providing additional thrust in the form of small rockets. The term JATO is used interchangeably with the (more specific) term RATO, for rocket-assisted take-off"

Battlefield can be PROLIFERATED with these trucks [with attached launch apparatus] going to be hard to find and destroy!


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