Thursday, April 13, 2023


This is coolbert:

Mister Russian preparing for the long-haul, the Ukraine Conflict.

Fortifications in-the-making that entire Front/Forward Line of Own Troops (FLOT)/Forward Edge of Battle Area (FEBA).

Click on images to see an enlarged view:

Thanks to research. Red dots and continuous lines represent fortifications the Russian army. Presumably strong points to thwart any Ukrainian offensive action, consolidate Russian gains. Exactly how formidable these fortifications unspecified. That red bunched area just south of the Perekop Isthmus a whole lot of fortification construction. Defense of the Crimea high on the agenda of Moscow. See importance of the Perekop Isthmus in prior blog entries here and here.

According to the Soviet era defector Suvorov during the Cold War an impressive array of fortifications existed on the border between the Soviet Union and Red China. T-10 tanks in concrete emplacements only a turret showing above ground presenting a formidable obstacle to a Chinese ground assault.


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