Tuesday, January 3, 2023


This is coolbert:

Russian military blunder? Many Russian military personnel dead? Russian military bloggers and civilians very unhappy?

When Russian military civilian bloggers are upset about something and expressing their concerns in an open manner you have to know there is something rather dramatic going on here and there is.

Score = twenty.

"Anger in Russia as scores of troops killed in one of Ukraine war's deadliest strikes"

As seen at www.yahoo.com original story Reuters by Pavel Polityuk January 1, 2023.

"KYIV (Reuters) - Russia acknowledged on Monday that scores of its troops were killed in one of the Ukraine war's deadliest strikes, drawing demands from Russian nationalist bloggers for commanders to be punished for housing soldiers alongside an ammunition dump."

"Russia's defense ministry [MoD] said 63 soldiers had died in the fiery blast which destroyed a temporary barracks in a former vocational college in Makiivka, twin city of the Russian-occupied regional capital of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine."

It seems that this school which was commandeered and turned into a barracks for Russian soldiers where was adjacent to an ammunition depot. That ammunition depot may have been the primary target of the HIMARS attack a catastrophic detonation of the ammo depot those sleeping in the barracks obliterated in the process.

See additionally this reddit.com entry also describing the aftermath of the high Mars attack HIMARS!

"Aftermath of a HIMARS strike in Makiivka, Donetsk Oblast, on a school which mobilized Russians stayed. Estimated 400 dead, 300 wounded"

As to total casualties if the Russians say about three score [sixty] dead and the Ukrainian say about 30 score [six-hundred] dead you can expect the actual number of killed-in-action to be somewhere in between.


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