Tuesday, January 3, 2023


This is coolbert:

Captured! The most dangerous beast of them all!!

Msta-S. Russian self-propelled 152 mm howitzer.

"Ukraine Must Get Long-Term Support, Warns Nato Chief"

Long-term support as deemed to counter those firing units of the Russian artillery-centric firing units of which the Soviet/Russian Msta-S is a major factor.

Msta-S I think everyone will agree a formidable and dangerous beast!

See the Twitter video here: https://twitter.com/i/status/1609579019774590977

The Ukrainian at one time had forty of these Msta-S in their inventory but almost NONE are currently operational?? Lack of spare parts?

None of those nations currently having Msta-S in their inventory I might think particularly well disposed to provide the Ukrainian with spare parts on an emergency basis. Not willing to rile the Russian!

"Currently it [Msta-S] is in service with Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ukraine and Venezuela." [source the wiki]

Morocco perhaps a viable alternative? "Morocco – Received an undisclosed number of Msta-S." [source also the wiki]

During that era of the Cold War the Red Army had a 122 mm self-propelled gun howitzer but I have not seen any images of that weapon system in action Ukraine conflict. I wonder why?


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