Thursday, December 1, 2022


This is coolbert:

Within the Russian Orthodox church there definitely exists an ardor for piety and grandiose [?] displays of support of the Russian military! Here too!

"A New Church for Russia's National Guard in Moscow"

From 24.11.2022.

"Patriarch Prays for All 'Willing to Risk Their Lives for the Safety of Russia.'"

"Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church consecrated a church dedicated to Grand Duke Vladimir on the 6th November, 2022. The Church, located in Balashikha in the Moscow region is to serve as the main church of the troops of the Russian National Guard."

"An Honor Guard was assembled on the square in front of the temple. The Director of the Federal National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, Army General V.V. Zolotov, together with the command staff of the Federal Guard Service and clergymen met His Holiness Patriarch Kirill at the western gate of the church."

Viktor Zolotov the commander of the Russian National Guard in the center. Viktor the right-hand man of Vlad Putin. Russian National Guard if needed a head knocker elite used to suppress internal dissension. Hammer protruding nails so to speak.


"From at least since the 12th century Russia has built Churches in honor of certain victories or events, for example such as victory over the Mongols or the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, which was built due to the Tsar offering it as a thanksgiving to God for deliverance from the Army of Napoleon. The Main Church of the Russian Armed Forces, built as a memorial to victory over the Nazis in World War 2 and consecrated in 2020, is a grand example of this motif in Russian religious tradition.

It continues. Displays of extreme religiosity as expressed within the context of the Russian military: See previous blog entries as relevant:

Russian "holy mission" yesterday, today, tomorrow, forever! We have come a long way since the days of self-described militantly atheistic Soviet Union. Haven't we!


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