Sunday, November 6, 2022

Pilot F-35.

This is coolbert:

The British RAF combat fighter pilot rated by the German Johannes "Macky" Steinhoff as the best during the Second World War. Best trained. Most aggressive. BEST.

And now?

"UK lacks pilots for F-35 jets – defense secretary"

The military is struggling to man all the warplanes due to a training crisis, Ben Wallace has said

From Russian controlled [?] Internet media RT 2 Nov, 2022.

"The UK military does not have enough pilots to operate its state-of-the-art F-35 fighters due to training issues, Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said on Tuesday. The UK has over two dozen of the warplanes."

"Speaking to the House of Lords, Wallace admitted that manning all of the F-35s presents 'quite a challenge.' Explaining the reasons, he noted that flight training has been plagued by delays, with pilots waiting up to eight years before meeting the requirements to operate the sophisticated fighters instead of the target time of two to three years."

This has actually been the case for a long time. A total novice joining the air force with the intent of becoming a top-of-the-line fighter pilot the process will take as long as three years before such an individual is able to even solo [merely to take and land] in a high-performance combat fighter. That not even qualifying the pilot as combat ready. More extensive and time consuming training required before one being judged as combat ready.


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