Sunday, November 20, 2022


This coolbert:

"The Ukrainian liberation of Kherson has been yet another success on the side of the defenders in the war, though it is also easy to assume it will lead to something of a pause on the southern part of the frontline. The withdrawal [Russian] to the left bank of the Dnipro – even if the losses to heavy equipment are on the scale expected – will still put the battered Russian forces behind one of the more formidable natural obstacles in Europe, and any Ukrainian assault over the river will require either serious amphibious equipment, a lot of luck and daring, or preferably both."


Crossing of the Dneiper in furtherance of the Ukrainian offensive that captured Kherson out of the question?

Consider the difficulty of such a crossing within the context of the World War Two allied operation in 1945 - crossing the Rhine.

This was Plunder accompanied by Varsity.

A massive military operation requiring organization and management on the order of the Normandy D-Day invasion of France, 6 June 1944. Boats, landing craft, pontoon bridges, ferries, etc. All in readiness. Just to get the troops of the other side of the river.

Two allied armies [one British, one American] and four parachute divisions [three American and one British] dropped on the right bank of the Rhine river.

Mission to establish a bridgehead right bank of the Rhine. To be followed by further exploitation eastward. Exploitation of course requiring massive resupply. The higher command of course more concerned with LOGISTICS than TACTICS during any further offensive action of allied forces in the aftermath of a secure bridgehead.

Regarding the WIDTH of the Rhine at the various points of attack: * Rhine river at Rees = 333 meters [1,000 feet]. * Rhine river at Wessels = 275 meters [900 feet]. * Rhine river at Remagen = 365 meters [2,200 feet].

Contrast next the width of the Rhine with the width of the Dneiper vicinity Kherson: * Dneiper at Antonovskiy bridge = 1,000 meters [3,500 feet].* Dneiper at Kherson = 450 meters [1,500 feet].

For American readers the width of the Mississippi river at Memphis USA = 1,100 meters [3,750 feet].

General Montgomery during the crossing of the Rhine did have at his disposal almost unlimited resources of manpower, equipment, resupply. The wherewithal of the Ukrainian in such areas of obvious concern to the combat commander exceedingly scant in comparison.

Ukrainian combat assets badly need else where. The capture of Kherson was an achievement to be sure, but Kiev needs to be prudent when needed and not foolhardy.


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