Monday, November 21, 2022


This is coolbert:

Countering the Iranian Shahed-136 as currently being used by Russian forces in the Ukraine Conflict obviously involves a multi-faceted approach.

Here is one facet of a multi-layered anti-drone defense under consideration.

"Ukraine to deploy ‘drone catchers’ that can smash Iranian-made flying bombs out of the air"

Story by Hatty Collier • courtesy

"Ukraine is seeking to reinforce its defenses against Iranian-made flying bombs launched by Russian forces by acquiring advanced 'drone catchers' designed to smash the weapons out of the air."

"Some two months after the Kremlin started using Shahed-136 drones to destroy civilian infrastructure in Ukraine, it is understood Kyiv is in advanced discussions to buy state-of-the-art interceptor drones capable of destroying the munitions before they can reach their target."


"The 'drone killers' being sought by Kyiv are in effect small UAVs designed to launch at high-speed and track incoming weapons like the Shahed-136 before disabling them by smashing into them in mid-air."

"Among the products thought to be under consideration by Kyiv is the Anvil system, made by American start-up defense company Anduril, which uses sensors driven by artificial intelligence (AI) to launch two interceptors at a time to fly at 100mph towards incoming drones."

See at the linked Anduril web site a video showing Anvil in action.

See also from the wiki manned British interceptor warplanes countering the German V-1 cruise missile "buzz-bombs" of WW2 using a technique known as "toppling" or "turtling". Anvil is kind of reminiscent in it's own peculiar way of attack?


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