Sunday, October 30, 2022


This is coolbert:

With regard to my last three blog entries and the original Ukrainian reporting sources as linked:

As extracted from the latest blog entry of the esteemed Israeli professor Martin van Creveld his observations probably 90 % if not closer to 100 % TRUE.

MvC: "You must realize that practically everything you, I, and most Westerners—who know no Russian and have no access to the original sources in the original language–learn about the conflict must pass through a series of lenses first. They are, 1. Ukraine’s own intelligence services and propaganda apparatus; 2. The West’s intelligence services; and 3. The West’s news agencies. Personally I would not consider any of these as particularly reliable; in any war, the first casualty is always the truth."

I would add that we also have a great tendency each and everyone of us to believe what we want to believe. Hardly are anyone of us cool and dispassionate observers UNSWAYED by our own beliefs and what want to believe is so.

There more than likely is an element of truth that emanates from strictly Ukrainian sources [or Russian for that matter] but in almost all cases not 100 % accurate.

Stories that in most cases also make good gist for a blog entry. Maat the Egyptian goddess of truth judges.


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