Thursday, October 6, 2022

Oscar III.

This is coolbert

From the distinguished American Senator Lindsey Graham his response to the Elon Musk proposal a negotiated settlement to the Ukraine Conflict.

"LINDSEY GRAHAM: 'I do NOT want to see Elon Musk become the Henry Ford of our time'"

From twitter ^ | Oct 6 | Sen. Lindsey Graham. Tip from Freeper.


"When I say I respect @elonmusk I’m not kidding."

"I’ve known him for years."

"He’s done amazing things by launching satellites to make America competitive in space and producing modern, high-performance electric vehicles."

"His Starlink system has also helped in Ukraine."

"My concern with his Russian 'peace' proposal is he is legitimizing one of the greatest crimes of the 21st century by Putin."

"I do NOT want to see Elon Musk become the Henry Ford of our time"

▶️ Great industrialist.

▶️ Genius manufacturer.

▶️ Gives voice to evil in pursuit of peace.


Further within in the historical context and the mention of Henry Ford consider the "Peace Ship" of 1915. An effort by Henry Ford the American automotive industry magnate to negotiate an end to the Great War [World War One].

Read from the wiki the abortive and ultimately futile effort of the "Peace Ship" to bring the warring parties to the bargaining table and negotiate a settlement to WW1:

"The Peace Ship was the common name for the ocean liner Oscar II, on which American industrialist Henry Ford organized and launched his 1915 amateur peace mission to Europe; Ford chartered the Oscar II and invited prominent peace activists to join him. He hoped to create enough publicity to prompt the belligerent nations to convene a peace conference and mediate an end to World War I"

Henry 1915, Elon 2022. My response is that Elon can hardly do any worse than the politicians, statesmen and diplomats are currently are doing to resolve the Ukraine Conflict.

If the politicians, statesmen and diplomats can't, maybe Elon can.


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