Thursday, October 6, 2022

12 GU MO.

This is coolbert:

Described as a "nuclear train" associated with Russian nuclear weapons assets now on the move. This is a 12th Chief Directorate operation?

 As extracted from the wiki on the 12th Chief Directorate:

"The 12th Chief . . . Directorate of the Ministry of Defense . . . is a department within the Russian (ex-Soviet) Ministry of Defense. It is responsible for the safe-keeping, technical maintenance, transportation, delivery, issuance, disposal, etc. of the nuclear arsenal of the state, as well as the testing of nuclear charges, which includes ensuring ecological safety of such tests and the maintenance of Soviet/Russian testing grounds"

"Unlike the GRU (Chief Directorate of Intelligence), the 12th GU MO is not a chief directorate of the General Staff, but a chief directorate of the Ministry of Defense. As such it is not subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff of the Soviet/Russian Armed Forces, but directly to the Minister of Defense, which makes it higher in status compared to the GRU. Position of the Chief of the 12th GU MO is equal to that of the commander of a military district, and supposed to be occupied by a 4-star General or by a Marshal of Artillery."


"In the USSR only members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union could be appointed to serve in the 12th GU MO or in any of its subordinated units, including its Special Control Service (even young conscripts who served there only two years without actually knowing anything about nuclear weapons must obtain special security clearance and must necessarily be members of the Communist Union of Youth)"


"The 12th GU MO is probably the most secretive organization of the Soviet/Russian Armed Forces, even more than the GRU or the Strategic Rocket Forces. Even though today Russia has become more open and even some articles appear in its mass-media openly describing the 'Nuclear Technical Service' Directorate, this organization remains off-limits. However, during Soviet times the most of commissioned officers, even though highly educated ones, had little or no knowledge that the 12th Chief Directorate existed."

12th GU MO a legacy of the Stalinist and communist era? Control of nuclear weapons and decision making with regard to potential usage of same ONLY to be within the purview of the Communist party CCCP?

WAR is too important to be left to the generals. The use of atomic munitions also!


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