Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Mays USN.

This is coolbert:

"'I am so grateful that this is finally over. It's been a long two years,' . . . 'I've been waiting a long time.'"

Regard this to be a surprise? American sailor found NOT guilty of arson. 

"Navy sailor found not guilty of setting fire that destroyed ship"

From www.upi.com | U.S. NEWS SEPT. 30, 2022 the story by Matt Bernardini.

"Sept. 30 (UPI) -- A sailor accused by the Navy of setting fire to and destroying an amphibious assault ship was acquitted Friday by a military judge."

"Ryan Sawyer Mays, 21, was found not guilty by Capt. Derek Butler of starting the fire that destroyed the $1.2 billion USS Bonhomme Richard."

EVIDENCE as needed to convict was just LACKING.

"The Navy had accused Mays of starting the fire because he was angry at being dropped from the training course to become a Navy SEAL."

Bonhomme Richard now swims with the fishes almost literally so. Damaged to extent that the ship has been scrapped. Over $1 billion dollars vessel lost forever in the process.

"The USS Bonhomme Richard caught fire on July 12, 2020, in San Diego, and more than 60 people suffered minor injuries. Left with extensive structural, electrical and mechanical damage, the ship was decommissioned on April 15, 2021, and sold for scrap."

At the time of the fire the vessel was undergoing routine [?] maintenance. See previous blog entries the topic what is called "hot work". Danger to a warship when docked in harbor often greater when the same boat at sea:




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