Monday, October 31, 2022

136 Kaput.

This is coolbert:

Back to the topic - counter-measures the Shahed-136 kamikaze drone.

From the Internet web site Strategy Page and thanks to same.

Extracted the first paragraph of an article discussing the various means and methods already being used to counter the Shahed-136. [devoted readers to the blog are strongly encouraged to read the entire article. I highly recommend without qualification or reservation.]

"Air Defense: Ukraine Innovates to Defeat New Threats"

"October 30, 2022: Ukraine is currently detecting and intercepting [destroying] nearly 90 percent of the Iranian-made Shahed 136 UAVs serving as cruise missiles. The 200 kg (440 pound) Shahed 136 has a flight endurance of four or five hour at about 180 kilometers an hour [about one-hundred miles per hour] carrying explosive warheads with 25 kg (55 pounds) of explosives. Shahed 136s are believed to cost about $50,000 each, with most of that ($30,000) being their gasoline engine. Both versions of Shahed (one is a bit larger) use GPS navigation with a crude INS (inertial navigation system) backup. Russia replaced the GPS guidance with one dependent on Russian GLONAS[S] satellite navigation in an effort to increase reliability and effectiveness. Shahed 136 operates at low (a few hundred meters at most) altitude to avoid radar detection. These missiles are launched either individually using a portable launch rail or from a truck mounted system carrying four or five missiles in a box type storage/launch container. A small rocket is attached to the bottom of the missile to get it airborne and the engine running. The rocket is then supposed to fall away. GPS locations have to be entered into the GPS system before launch."


* Iranian Mado 550 engine as used to power the Shahed costings $30,000? A knock-off version of the German Limbach L550E.

* Ukrainians using ground-based personnel to detect, observe and report sightings of the Shahed to a filter center using a smart phone customized app. The Ukrainian adept, resourceful, responding to threat with a keen resolve admirable.

* Behind-the-scenes Israeli experts contributing their bit to the kamikaze drone problem? I might suggest that be so with some confidence.

See my previous blog entries the topic the Shahed-136 drone:


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