Thursday, September 8, 2022


This is coolbert:

Even as we speak preparations are being made for a protracted Ukrainian Conflict. Spring became summer became fall and fall is going to become winter.

Make ready with winter warfare uniforms and paraphernalia as needed to survive and fight in the cold.

Draw down again from NATO stockpiles is already occurring and will continue to occur at an accelerated rate? Necessary war-stuff NATO the supplies already being depleted in an almost frightening manner?

"NATO struggling to supply winter uniforms to Ukraine – Der Spiegel"

From 5 Sep, 2022.

"Kiev has reportedly asked the military bloc to urgently provide it with hundreds of thousands of uniforms and other equipment:

"NATO members have been scraping the barrel in their efforts to supply Ukraine with sufficient winter uniforms and field camp equipment, Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine reported on Monday. Kiev has apparently called on the bloc to urgently provide the necessary equipment before the cold weather sets in."

"According to Der Spiegel, Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov wrote a letter to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg back in late July, calling on the military alliance to provide cold-proof field tents along with clothing for as many as 200,000 Ukrainian soldiers. The uniforms and equipment should be delivered as quickly as possible, the minister added, according to the magazine."

If the conflict continues into winter with a stalemated situation and a return to static warfare trench foot will become a major factor? More casualties from trench foot that from mortal combat. Rubber overshoes and plenty of clean wool socks needed daily.


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